PBO Tools Knowledge Base

Hello and welcome to our Knowledge Base page!

Our Knowledge Base is a comprehensive resource, designed to empower you in your use of our software. It offers detailed guides, step-by-step instructions, and solutions to common issues you might encounter.

Whether you're setting up your account, packing your first mod into a PBO, or troubleshooting a hiccup in the software, the Knowledge Base is your first stop for information. Our goal is to provide you with immediate assistance when you need it, without the wait time of reaching out to support.

We continuously update our Knowledge Base, reflecting changes in the software, adding new guides based on frequently asked questions, and keeping all information up-to-date. It's likely that the answer to your question is already documented here!

However, if your issue persists after checking the Knowledge Base, don't worry. We're always here to help, reach out to us and our team will be more than happy to assist.

How do I create an account?

1. Once you receive your license key through email, open the software application.

2. Upon opening, you'll be presented with the option to log in or register. Choose the 'Register' option.

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3. Create a unique username and password, your license key and email in the designated fields and press 'enter'.

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Image description If you've lost your license key or require a new one, you can press 'enter' to generate a free edition key.

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4. If all the information provided is correct, your credentials will be saved, and you'll be automatically logged into your new account.

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Packaging your mod into a PBO using PBO Tools

Start by locating your mod folder and simply drag it onto the PBO Tools application. Once you do this, the packing process will begin, and a console will appear on your screen. During the process, you will be prompted to make certain choices: You may choose whether to enable obfuscation for the PBO. If you're using the Professional Edition, you can also decide to obfuscate the source code. You'll have the option to compress the PBO for a smaller file size. Respond with 'Y' or 'N' depending on your preferences for each option, and then press 'Enter'.

4. If all the information provided is correct, your credentials will be saved, and you'll be automatically logged into your new account.

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Now, wait for the packing process to complete. Once it's finished, you'll hear a beep, and the application will display the location of your packed PBO. However, if you hear 5 beeps, it indicates that an error occurred during the process, and the specific error message will be shown on your screen and a log file will be generated. You can locate these logs in \Documents\PBO Tools\Logs\

Why is the application closing immediately upon launch?

If you encounter an issue where the application closes immediately after launching, it is likely due to missing essential .NET dependencies required for the software to function properly.
To resolve this, follow these steps:

Install .NET Framework from the official website: https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/download/dotnet-framework
Download and install .NET 7 from the official website: https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/download/dotnet/7.0

After completing the installations, restart your computer, relaunch PBO Tools, and the application should work flawlessly.

How can I specify exclusions for files in my PBO?

Upon running our software for the first time, it generates a configuration file called 'Settings.json' in the \Documents\PBO Tools\ directory. This file provides you with the ability to define specific directories and extensions that you wish to exclude from the PBO package. Additionally, you can customize the output settings of the PBO and enable various obfuscation options as per your requirements.

Have a look at the screenshot below to get an idea of the configuration options:

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Username or password do not match

If you've recently changed your username or password on our website and you're unable to use your application, it may be due to your locally stored login details.

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To resolve this, you can remove the stored login information by downloading our script.
Executing this script will erase your login credentials, and you'll be prompted to log in again, providing your updated credentials.

If you forgot your password, you can reset it here.

ERROR: Unknown Type or Code Outside Function (Professional Edition Only)

Due to certain limitations in DayZ, there may be issues when obfuscating strings. Should you encounter an error message stating 'Unknown type or code outside function,' it's likely that you have obfuscated a position such as '0 0 0'. This isn't permitted in DayZ and consequently triggers an error.

To address this, append //dontobf at the end of the line containing the '0 0 0' position.
We're planning to automate this process in forthcoming updates.

Example: Image demonstrating resolution

ERROR: Could not find apart of the path

PBO Tools requires your mods to be in your P Drive, and it is essential to ensure they have sufficient Windows permissions as well. If they are located outside of the P Drive or there is a lack the permissions, you will receive an error message stating, 'Could not find a part of the path'P:\YourModName'.

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